Good evening everyone.

Yesterday, the top of Japan changed, and a new cabinet will be inaugurated for the first time in seven years and eight months. As always, I hope that the new cabinet will help the Japanese economy improve.

*Reference: news

Well, as the title suggests, this time I would like to write a little about "Why do successful people buy luxury watches?" You probably have the image that so-called "successful people" such as businessmen and celebrities often wear luxury watches.

So why do they wear luxury watches? Of course, it's true that they can afford it because they earn that much. However, you'd like to know if there are other reasons, right?

I would like to briefly consider this mechanism, focusing on three points.

In addition, please take a look at the video below for more information on this topic!

【table of contents】

① Status

At the cheapest, luxury watches cost hundreds of thousands to millions, while the most expensive ones can cost tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

Being able to purchase a watch in that price range means you have the financial means to do so, which in itself is a status symbol.

Furthermore, wearing a higher quality watch (although interpretations vary), you can demonstrate that you have a status that matches the value of the watch, and you can also silently demonstrate this to others.

It is also often said that a watch can inspire you to become someone worthy of the watch you have acquired, and it has a positive effect on your attitude and way of thinking. In other words, it is a great item that promotes self-development and leads to your own growth.

2) Communication tools

The situation is changing now, but a generation ago, if you were a smoker, it was easy to communicate with people in smoking areas, and smoking was established as a form of communication tool.

People who buy luxury watches study and research in order to gain various knowledge before making a purchase. It is only natural, as it is not a cheap purchase. And the more expensive or rare the watch, the more specialized knowledge and knowledge about its value is required.

If you have an interest in luxury watches and have done some research before buying one, you will have a greater chance of building relationships with people of higher status than you. Furthermore, having a common topic of conversation will of course make communication smoother.

I think that especially for business executives, this alone is enough to make the pursuit of a luxury watch worthwhile.

③ Investment target

This is the last point, but I think this is the most important point. Investment target = asset value

I'm sure you all know that after the Lehman Shock in 2008, luxury watches began to be recognized as real assets. (If you didn't know, please read the article below.)

Tsuyoshi Kaneko's blog "About the watch situation"

MASTER'S Column "What will happen to watch buying and selling after the economic fluctuations?!"

It's been more than 10 years since then, and luxury watches have become a part of investment portfolios. However, not all luxury watches have asset value.

The key here is "supply and demand."

The same can be said for financial products, but what is needed to maintain value is not just scarcity, but also strong liquidity, i.e. "supply and demand," which allows you to buy and sell at any time. The same is true for real estate. A 10-room apartment building in a convenient location for 100 million yen has a higher real value as an asset than a 1 billion yen detached house with a unique design and unusual layout.

So what kind of watch is good?

As expected, there is stable demand = major brands and major models that many people want to buy. A typical example is Rolex (mainly sports models). They can be purchased in any country and at any store, and the price is stable. It is no exaggeration to say that their actual value is higher than cash.

No matter how expensive it is or how few there are, it all comes down to "supply and demand."


Today I have briefly explained the reasons why successful people seek luxury watches in three points. What did you think?

I hope you understand that a watch is a wonderful item that not only indicates your status, but also facilitates communication and can sometimes even be an asset.

Well, I've talked about a lot of things, but actually, what I really wanted to tell you was

"While using it"

There is a lot to be gained from a luxury watch.

You can't carry stocks, real estate, or paintings around with you, right? With a luxury watch, many good things await you as you use it . The only thing to worry about is the initial expense!!! (laughs)

For those who have avoided luxury watches until now, there is a wide range of brands, models, and prices for luxury watches. Why not take this opportunity to find a luxury watch that will bring you many benefits?
