When it comes to men's accessories, there are many kinds in the world, such as hats, necklaces, bracelets, rings, glasses, bags, etc., but although there are appropriate times, in a business setting, unnecessary accessories are generally not necessary. This is because accessories are only intended as decoration .

So what about wristwatches ?

Of course, like other accessories, wristwatches also fall into the category of accessories = "decoration" . However, on the other hand, they also have a functional and practical aspect of being "worn to tell the time" . Furthermore, wristwatches are an essential item in business situations, so it is no exaggeration to say that they are accessories = "decoration" that are necessary (= permitted) for all men.

In short, the watch is

It is both an "accessory" and a "practical item"

It is also recognized as such.

So, in this issue of "Watches and Fashion," we would like to introduce you to the "charms and techniques of watches" so that you can enjoy watches as practical accessories . Please read to the end.

Men's fashion accessories

What do accessories mean to men?

In men's fashion, tops and bottoms are "things you can't live without." Socially speaking, if you don't have either a top or bottom, you're in danger if you're a man, or you're in danger if you're a woman. (laughs)

On the other hand, from that perspective, accessories are something that you don't really need. As for a watch , if you just want to know the time, you can replace it with a smartphone, which everyone has.

It's annoying when people say things like "It's something you don't need" or "A smartphone is enough," but there's no room for debate here, so let's just turn a blind eye. (laughs)

Returning to the main topic, I think there are many men who want to look good no matter how old they are and want to wear accessories.

However, what kind of accessories should you wear? How should you wear them? Many people are unsure of what to wear, and it's true that they can't find a solution, saying things like, "Maybe it doesn't look good..." or "It looks too jingly..."

"I want to wear it, but I don't know how to do it." "Even if I wear it, it doesn't look good."

To avoid this, let's take a closer look at accessories.

Why a wristwatch is a necessary accessory for men

It depends on the individual and style, but not many people would generally consider wearing lots of accessories to be fashionable. In particular, in recent years, the "normcore" style has emerged, and there is a strong trend towards simple, minimalist styles, so one of the conditions for men's fashion is "how to look natural and cool."

Among these, I think that the watch is the type that men can wear naturally and that everyone thinks looks cool.

Even if it is a highly decorative solid gold model or a model with diamonds or other stones, when it comes to "accessories" that are "practical" , the only one that exists is the "wristwatch."

To repeat, a wristwatch is a practical accessory that is worn to tell time , and it can be said to be an essential accessory (decoration) for men.

Now, let's get started by taking a look at some specific techniques for dressing up your watch in a stylish way.

Technique for dressing up your wrist ① [Watch] + [Wedding ring]

Most married men wear wedding rings. The combination of a wedding ring and a watch is probably the most common technique for men to match. However, because this combination is so commonplace, most men don't pay much attention to the compatibility between the ring and the watch .

The standard materials for wedding rings are PT (platinum), WG (white gold), YG (yellow gold), and PG (pink gold), and most of them have simple designs, so you don't have to worry too much about them matching with your watch .

However, by grouping the materials and colors of the watch depending on the material, you can create a neat and tidy look that shows off your good taste.

 [Watch]: Stainless steel model + [Wedding ring]: Platinum or white gold 
[Watch]: White gold model + [Wedding ring]: Platinum or white gold
 [Watch]: Platinum model + [Wedding ring]: Platinum or white gold
 [Watch]: Yellow gold model + [Wedding ring]: Yellow gold
 [Watch]: Pink gold model + [Wedding ring]: Pink gold

The combination of a watch and a wedding ring is a good reference when choosing a watch , since a wedding ring is irreplaceable. Even if the material or color doesn't match, it's not a problem at all, but it's just a tip to enjoy fashion.

<Advanced Technique: [Watch] + [Wedding Ring] + 'Signet Ring'>

Men, did you know that besides wedding rings, there is also the signet ring, the only ring that men are allowed to wear?

Its history is long, and it is said to have originated in ancient Egypt. Also, as a taste of British gentlemen, the "signet ring" is said to be an accessory for men . Therefore, as an advanced technique, we would like to recommend coordinating with a "signet ring".

As mentioned above, wedding rings are not easily replaceable, so if you match your watch with a signet ring, it will look good no matter what material or color your wedding ring is made of. Signet rings come in a wide variety of styles, so be sure to find one that you like.

Technique for dressing up your wrists ② "Watch" + "Bracelet"

In men's fashion, in addition to watches , other wrist accessories include bracelets and bangles.

So, what is the compatibility with a wristwatch ?

It is not advisable to wear too many accessories, but from a fashion perspective, coordinating them with a watch is also a good technique.

So, as a watch shop, I would like to give you one piece of advice. If you wear a watch and a bracelet or bangle , wear it on the opposite arm to the watch .

<Don't wear a watch and a bracelet together>

I often see people enjoying wearing multiple watches, but doing so can actually cause wear and scratches on the watch . As a watch shop, I hate the idea of ​​my watch being damaged...

Of course, I understand that some people think, "I'm not thinking about resale, so I'm free to wear it however I like!", but you should still take good care of your things, right? Especially when it comes to luxury watches, I want you to take even better care of them. So, if you do wear it, I recommend wearing it on the other side.

Technique 3 for dressing up your wrist: Wristwatches only

A wristwatch alone is a fine accessory for a man.

Of course, if we left it like this, the story would end, but for those who think that a watch is enough, we will introduce some more fashion-oriented recommended techniques.

It is the summer season when the arms are more exposed and sweat more easily.
[Wristwatches] should also be made to suit the summer season .

So, what exactly are summer watches?
It's a way to have fun by changing the belts .

This not only explains the importance of changing the strap material depending on the occasion, but it is also an important factor in protecting your precious watch .

<Recommendation ①: Change to a NATO belt>

The highly versatile NATO belt is a belt that can be worn comfortably in today's business situations. Since it was originally a military belt, the material is perfect for the summer.

By choosing something with a chic color scheme, you can add a casual essence and make a suit look stylish. It goes without saying that it is a must-have for casual fashion. If you have a watch that you can change, we highly recommend it.

<Recommendation 2: Change to a Jubilee Bracelet>

I especially recommend this to those who own Rolex sports models.
The Jubilee bracelet .

Of course, you can keep the Oyster bracelet, but the Jubilee bracelet is highly decorative and exudes a mature charm, making it the perfect way to update your look without losing its luxury feel.

Our staff also enjoy changing it to the Daytona Ref. 116500LN. Just by changing it to the Jubilee bracelet, it instantly becomes more dressy and cool.


What did you think of the above?

It depends on how you look at it, but for all men, a wristwatch is an essential fashion item.

Whether you wear it as an accessory or as a practical item, the wristwatch is a truly versatile accessory .

If you're going to wear a watch, why not enjoy fashion while living with a watch?

Once again, I hope this article will help you choose your favorite one.

see you!
